
This was my personal favorite project of the semester. I was able to create an app that I was very interested in and explore UI/UX design. My idea stemmed from my love of music and behavioral analysis. Trying to find out why we do what we do… and what that means about who we are.


The guidelines were that we must draw from a hat and select a random social media site. I selected “Chat Roulette” from the hat. We were then instructed to incorporate that specific app’s mechanisms into our new app. So, with Chat Roulette’s mechanisms in mind, I created the app called “ambedo”.



Ambedo is an app that tracks your daily activities and location to provide a personalized song each day. It analyzes your behaviors using data from your phone, such as spending habits, screen time, messages, calls, sleep patterns, travel, and heart rate. It works by using your location, Bluetooth, and background data to build a user profile. When you open the app, you spin a wheel to receive your daily song. You can then view a description of how the song relates to your day. Your songs are stored in a library, organized by date and location, allowing you to review past tracks and your daily activities.


Ambedo (noun): A kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake.*