Summer Card

For the 2021 Summer Holiday Card, we decided to get our staff involved by showcasing the songs that inspire them or offer a creative outlet outside of work. We requested people’s favorite road trip songs and their favorite campfire songs. These were then implemented incorporated into two soundtracks. Our hope was that others would enjoy the playlists as much as our staff do, and in some cases maybe bringing back some nostalgia from earlier summer days, or songs that have been pushed to the back of the trunk and resurfaced forgotten to remember some memories of a time they had forgotten about.


The final mailed piece that was mailed out was a small replica of a record sleeve containing a smaller record disc showcasing these playlists on each side. We created both a Spotify list and an Apple playlist to help cater to the recipients’ different preferred sources. These we also very, each easily accessed to find by the QR code for each. Today, these playlists are still used for by BWBR folks both personally and professionally, including during our staff meetings and Forum discussions. It was a hit, to say the least!


In total, we sent 3,200 mailed pieces. These were mailed out to our clients, partners, current and former employees in our primary markets of health care, higher education, workplace, and high-tech throughout the Midwest. The card successfully engaged with all as we heard from many of them, via email or calls, about how they listened to the music while going to their cabins or just hanging out to get into the summer groove. For us, iIt wasn’t about the data, but more about the intangible experiences it brought to everyone and making that personal connection to the people we work with on a day- to- day basis.

Primary tools used: InDesign + Illustrator + Photoshop